Back-in-stock notifications are underestimated


Out-of-stock disappointment is real.

Just picture the following scenario: the shopper needs to buy a pair of training shoes. They’ve done their research, checked reviews, shortlisted options, and they know exactly the brand and model they want to purchase. They visit your website with the strongest purchase intent just to discover that their shoe size is not in stock. Quite disheartening, right?

Let’s move on to what happens next. The shopper assesses their options and decides to make the second-best buying choice–incidentally, your competitor.

This scenario is more frequent than you may think because digital shoppers don’t have time to wait. Out-of-stock items generate disappointment and frustrating shopping experiences. They also lead to lost sales, lower revenue, and can damage customer engagement.

However, running out of popular items doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the customer journey. An automated back-in-stock notifications system could help you recover lost sales with minimum effort. This is a simple, yet underestimated way of managing the frustrating situation of lacking the resources to satisfy customer needs.

Keep customers engaged

Back-in-stock notifications minimize shoppers’ disappointment by offering a way to stay connected to their favorite items. A simple “let me know when it comes back” option can make a huge difference–you manage stockouts easier while keeping customers close. What’s more, if you want to increase your chances of securing a purchase, when a customer opts in to your back-in-stock alert, let them know when they can expect their product. Uncertainty can be a big deal-breaker, so make sure you are as transparent as possible to increase customer loyalty.

Know your popular products

An opt-in button for back-in-stock emails can easily measure the purchase intention for your sold-out items. This is a measurable way of knowing what to restock first. Clever, right? Not only are you using data to make restocking decisions, but a back-in-stock option can also help you improve your demand forecast while getting better insight into shoppers’ preferences.

Save time with automated notifications

Keep in mind that back-in-stock notifications don’t require much maintenance time. Just set your preferences and you’re done. Imagine all the work required if you decided to let every single customer know that their desired product is back on your website. Automated emails save you time and effort while offering your customers a personalized experience.

Help customers complete the purchase journey

The frustration generated by an out-of-stock item can easily send your customers to competitors. Why lose sales when you can make them come back? Email notifications can drive shoppers back to your ecommerce website, nudging them to complete the purchase. Back-in-stock alerts are not like the usual spammy emails we all occasionally receive. Your customers opt-in to get them. They’re desirable emails, and one of the surest paths to a completed purchase.

Looking for a reliable, quick-to-implement back-in-stock system?

Back in Stock, our self-contained B2C product for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, compatible with SFRA and SiteGenesis, lets customers opt in to alerts for items that are temporarily unavailable. This is a safe way for merchants to manage stockouts while keeping shoppers close to their ecommerce store. Whether it’s apparel, cosmetics, or home decor, letting customers know when their favorite items are back in stock can decrease the chance of losing sales, while strengthening brand attachment.

Charles Dimov

Author: Charles Dimov, VP of Product Solutions

Charles brings more than 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, product development, and management. With depth and breadth in varied markets, he drives the right go-to-market and demand generation strategies for OSF’s core products. A lifelong learner, he graduated from the University of Waterloo with degrees in management, business economics, and engineering. Charles also holds several certifications in leadership and marketing.