Accelerate your digital transformation
Compressing your digital transformation timeline from years to months has been a major theme of the coronavirus economy across sectors. In the auto sales market, more used car dealers and leasing companies are making the move to digital. With our Quick Start Automotive solution for Salesforce Clouds, you can achieve this goal even more quickly—in just a matter of weeks, not months.
Expand your customer base
Launching an online store for used automotive vehicle dealers and leasing companies will help you reach more customers, particularly today’s tech-savvy consumers who want to shop for nearly everything online. Offer your customers an easier experience buying a car by launching an online store with our Quick Start Automotive solution for Salesforce Clouds.
Control your sales process
With an online experience, you have full control of the flow online while removing the high-pressure situations at dealerships that many consumers prefer to avoid. You also get more visibility and insights into your customers’ shopping behavior to better target your marketing campaigns.