Don’t Just Digitize Your Organization: Transform It

The Future of Digital
Transformation: Prepare
for What’s Ahead

Today technology connects us in ways that weren’t available to previous generations. In the next years, further advancements will continue to impact the way we live and work. Organizations that want to keep up will recognize this crucial factor.

Many are already aware. In a survey of 1,000 executives, 70% expect to have a presence in nearly every main emerging technology in the next two years. The research, carried out by KPMG, also found that talent remains a key issue. The responses reflect the shifts that are underway. Forward-looking organizations will embrace digital transformation and evolve. To truly come out ahead, they’ll need the right people pulling in the same direction.

Certainly, it takes a team to enable growth and transformation. Ambassadors provide opportunities to engage in new ways. Recognizing upcoming adoption of AI will help organizations be prepared for the future.

Building the Right Teams

Digital transformation begins with meeting consumer preferences. It extends into foreseeing what they will want next. It also aims to build strong relationships with customers. If their experiences are delightful, they’ll come back for more.

Having a group dedicated to the customer journey is an important starting point. These team members can look at the brand through the eyes of the consumer. How easy is it to find the company online? Can products be purchased from any device? Are headsets available to provide them with more information?

Another group might focus on customer feedback. What do shoppers do after they make a transaction? Why do they come back? Asking these questions creates an opportunity to learn. The answers will lead to new ideas on how to create long-term relationships with customers.

Embracing Ambassadors and Community

Who’s talking about the brand and its latest products? The answer shouldn’t be, “just the company.” Organizations that work with influencers can tap social media channels and gain insight. Ambassadors might be asked what they would like to see next. They could have ideas for upcoming products or ways to personalize merchandise. If they love what’s out there, chances are their fan base will too.

Building a community takes time. When done well, the effort is worthwhile. A hobby retailer might create a crafting group. Members could meet up regularly and create something. They might learn how to use watercolor and paint a picture. Or they could knit scarves during wintertime. Communities can be online too. Think blogs, apps, social groups, and videos. If meaningful information is provided, an audience will form. Those individuals can receive communications on promotions and merchandise that align with their interests.

Adopting AI Solutions

Will AI replace workers? Hardly. However, this technology is changing the tasks that workers carry out. AI is designed to perform repetitive tasks. This is often good news for employees. It frees these workers from mundane activities. It gives them a chance to specialize and focus on high level tasks. As AI becomes mainstream, workplaces will undergo a transformation. Organizations which adapt and take advantage of its features will have a more satisfied staff.

Having a team that is open to change is essential for digital transformation. Groups can gather insight and share their findings with the rest of the organization. When given some freedom, these teams can come up with creative solutions. Sharing helpful content will bring in potential customers and encourage repeat buyers. AI tools are the wave of the future and will impact daily work. Embracing them, and making the most of their benefits, will encourage employee satisfaction. Workers will delight in the way they can participate and help propel the digital transformation within their organizations.

Gerard Szatvanyi

Author: Gerard Szatvanyi

As a founding member and CEO of OSF Digital, Gerry has more than 15 years of experience managing start-ups and medium-size IT businesses and driving them to peak performance. With background in Enterprise Applications, IT Services and Consultancy, Gerry's impressive client and business portfolio sets him in the new breed for global entrepreneurship.