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Essential to any business is an organizational structure of cross-functional teams with the right skills, shared values and goals, working in alignment to plan, manage and execute all functions. The Digital Strategy team enables organizations to keep pace with the rapidly changing digital space by helping them adjust and realign their organizational design to fit the current environment. We help evaluate and improve the organizational structure, processes, and systems across all functional areas of your organization. If you need to fill an executive position or augment your team during growth, we can parachute in a vetted resource who will hit the ground running. We also provide organizational change management to align your teams and ensure success.


Our services to build a successful team

Organizational Design

The digital commerce and omnichannel retail environment is constantly evolving, often causing organizational structures, processes and systems that once worked well to become barriers to efficiency and growth. To keep pace, businesses and brands need to adjust and realign their organizational design to continuously support growth. We can help evaluate your current organizational structure, processes and systems across all functional areas of your organization. Through our comprehensive approach, we pinpoint the key factors for establishing the optimal organizational design, including recommendations for driving organizational alignment through structures, goals and metrics.

Executive Recruiting

Good strategies and solid technologies are only part of the equation to building and growing your business; your most important assets are your people. Highly skilled, highly motivated, smart, hard-working people who understand and can internalize your goals and are a good fit for your organization. Our position at the center of ecommerce and omnichannel retailing, our long client list, and our extensive network of top professionals in the industry enable us to help you find the right talent for your organization.

Interim Staffing

From technical experts to seasoned marketing and merchandising professionals, digital commerce talent roles are hard to fill. It takes time to look for the right candidate and the process can disrupt your business. Whether you are short-staffed gearing up for peak or need additional resources to keep up with demand, we can help you boost capacity and strengthen internal expertise quickly by tapping into our pool of proven senior digital professionals. We can parachute one of our consultants in on short notice, so you don’t miss a beat.

Change Managment

Organizational Change Management (OCM) is often necessary for companies to minimize friction in their growth. Many organizations are starting to move from an unorganized project-to-project team design to a centralized continuous improvement strategy where constant change becomes the “new normal”. Change management drives the successful adoption and usage of change within the business, whether it be expanding the team or redefining roles, implementing new system(s), or optimizing the processes to become more efficient. The alignment that takes place during change management is important to build and manage current and future business effectiveness and long-term sustainability. When creating an OCM strategy, it’s important to understand key factors, such as employee sentiments, perceptions of effectiveness, and readiness for future-state, while having an open communication channel to discuss any concerns and issues.

Lasting Connections & Deep Expertise

The OSF Digital Strategy consultants are former retail and brand practitioners or commerce technology specialists who leverage their experience to help businesses make smarter investment decisions. We do this by providing strategic and tactical hands-on guidance on technology, marketing, merchandising, operations, financials, and organizational design.

Years of work with retailers, brands, distributors, investors, technology providers, and industry organizations have cemented our unique position in the digital commerce ecosystem. Our clients benefit from the extensive network of retail and commerce leaders, collective experience of our team of consultants, and the expertise we gained from being at the intersection of technology, strategy, and process.

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