
OSF Digital Completes First Phase of Custom Application Solution for Leading Money Transfer Service

September 24 | 2013

IT professional services provider OSF Digital announced today they have reached a milestone by completing an application development project for Trans-Fast, a leading global money transfer service. The solution offers the Wall Street-based firm a scalable application and brings value to their current practice.

OSF was able to develop a solution that will address their needs while boosting performance, efficiency, and scalability.

Building upon a strong background delivering custom-built applications for clients across all industries, OSF brings valuable insights and technology expertise to the financial sector. “We excel at translating business needs into powerful, feature-rich, easy-to-use applications for clients around the globe,” said Gerard Szatvanyi, President and CEO of OSF Digital. “Our solution will enable Trans-Fast to quickly and easily add-on features as their business needs continue to grow and change.”
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Contact: OSF Digital
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