Automotive Accelerator, developed by OSF Digital, is an industry accelerator, built by leveraging the capabilities of these Salesforce Clouds: Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Salesforce Experience Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Salesforce Sales Cloud. By using our Automotive Accelerator, you’ll be able to launch an online car marketplace faster and at a lower price, benefiting from all the Salesforce Clouds’ enhanced features, such as guided selling journeys and booking test drives and visits with the dealer, amongst others. Benefits of our accelerator include:

Go to market fast and at a lower cost

Go to market fast and at a lower cost

A faster time to market equals a lower cost for launching your online car marketplace. You’ll be able to create customized user journeys for both your customers and partners that can be featured on the marketplace as well as your partners’ internal teams. We developed our Automotive Accelerator on top of Salesforce Clouds to enhance the capabilities of the out-of-the-box platforms.

Help car dealers

Help your car dealers reach more customers

An online car marketplace is a win-win for you and your partners selling on your marketplace. You will expand your customer reach by offering self-service journeys and a shopping experience similar to a retail ecommerce store. Through our automotive solution, you will accelerate your digital transformation journey by deploying your Salesforce Cloud-based car marketplace fast.

Offer easier shopping experiences

Offer easier shopping experiences

On your new online car marketplace, your customers will be able to search for car dealers close to them, book a visit or test drive, choose a custom car or other vehicle, and buy maintenance products. Our Automotive Accelerator will help you strengthen customer engagement and spawn new customer acquisition through meaningful customer journeys and an easier shopping experience.

* All fields are required.

OSF Digital’s Automotive Accelerator

If you are looking to expand your commercial strategy by bringing customers and car dealers together, our Automotive Accelerator is perfect for you. You’ll benefit from a fast time to market, and by leveraging our Automotive Accelerator on top of Salesforce Clouds, you’ll also have access to features tailored to each persona involved in the marketplace-acquisition process, from customers to car dealers and other maintenance product sellers, plus your internal team managing the marketplace—all at a lower price.

Automotive Accelerator

Automotive Accelerator - Customer Journey Demo

Watch this demo video to all customer journeys on an online car marketplace built with our Automotive Accelerator for Salesforce Clouds. Develop your own automotive marketplace fast and at a lower cost and bring customers and car dealers together.

Extend the capabilities of your Salesforce Commerce Cloud-based marketplace

with OSF Digital’s Automotive Accelerator

Enable internal
teams to:

  • Manage a car dealer’s catalogue from Business Manager
  • Create and manage a car dealer’s profile from Business Manager
  • Configure the Guided Vehicle Search from Business Manager
  • Enable a login space for car dealers
  • View and manage a portal for car dealers

Offer customers the opportunity to:

  • Register and log in on the marketplace
  • View car inventory for each dealer
  • Select zip codes
  • Filter and select vehicles
  • Use the Guided Vehicle Search module
  • View each car on its own product details page (PDP)
  • Customize vehicles
  • Request a quote
  • Preorder cars
  • Book a visit or a test drive
  • Receive confirmation emails
  • Buy maintenance products from the shopping area

Manage car sales through
Salesforce Sales Cloud

with OSF Digital’s Automotive Accelerator

Enable a portal for your car dealers to:

  • Log in
  • View and manage opportunities
  • View potential buyers’ details
  • View reports

Empower your car marketplace admins to:

  • Create and view car dealer profiles
  • Disable profiles and listings temporarily or permanently

Manage your shopping area through Salesforce Experience Cloud

with OSF Digital’s Automotive Accelerator

Enable a portal for your maintenance product
sellers to:

  • Log in
  • Create products
  • Edit products
  • Upload policies
  • View orders
  • View reports

Empower your maintenance product marketplace
admins to:

  • Create and view seller profiles
  • Review products before approving them on the marketplace
  • Approve or reject products
  • Publish products
  • Publish policies
  • View reports
  • Disable profiles and listings temporarily or permanently

Benefit from Salesforce Marketing Cloud customer insights

with OSF Digital’s Automotive Accelerator

  • Gather analytics
  • Send transactional emails
  • Manage and trigger emails for abandoned car configuration
  • Manage and trigger emails for abandoned quote request


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