Responsive and Adaptive Design

Create memorable mobile brand experiences

Today, users are just as likely to access your ecommerce website from their mobile phone or tablet as from a traditional desktop or laptop computer. OSF Digital creates high-quality, branded and user-friendly responsive mobile sites that fit all devices and browsers—saving you significant costs and resources.

Responsive or adaptive design responds to your customer’s behaviors and preferences. The website conforms to the screen size, platform and orientation of the device being used to view your site. Our design team will enhance your existing CSS code, incorporate responsive media and add flexibility to your mobile solution. For adaptive design projects, we provide context analysis, website development and take care of deployment.

The following concepts are integral to our design and development work:

  • Branding: Products & Services

  • Usability Evaluation & User Experience

  • A/B Testing & Accessibility Optimization

  • Target Groups & User Needs

  • Sketching & Wireframing

  • W3C valid XHTML, HTML5, CSS Coding

  • Idea Generation & Storyboarding

  • Visual Mockups & Prototyping

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility

  • Information Architecture

Request a consultation to discuss your business challenge.

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Browse all our mobile services

Browse all our mobile services

  • Native Application Development

    We work within your existing environment – without disrupting your operations. We’re experienced in native mobile app development...

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  • Consulting & Performance Analysis

    We begin by analyzing your current situation, and then help you to choose the right mobile strategy to generate results. Our consultants collaborate...

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  • Mobile

    A native mobile application helps you personalize shopping experiences, gather insights on your customers and deliver information…

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  • Mobile Customization

    In addition to implementing UX and UI best practices, improving usability, speed and performance, we optimize your mobile solution...

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  • Mobile First Native Framework

    OSF’s ecommerce mobile accelerator is our first standalone mobile framework fully integrated with Salesforce Commerce Cloud...

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