IoT & Connectivity

Cutting-edge enhancements to your home or workspace

increased productivity
Smarter Devices
Improve products and services with internet connectivity
accurate data
Fewer Costs
Reduce spending on maintenance and customer support
secure information
Improved Usability
Increase product reliability and security

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes systems of physical technology that use internet connectivity to connect with other enabled devices and systems. The result is a network of home and business devices responsive to personal, automatic or remote commands. OSF Digital provides cloud integration services to leading IoT companies, improving the entire IoT ecosystem, which includes administrative applications, consoles, mobile applications and CRM.

Grow your IoT offerings to meet an unprecedented rate of customer demand:


Systems Connectivity

Integrate and synchronize interactive cloud solutions

Predictive Technology

Help customers prevent potential problems

Ongoing Improvement

Improve internal processes and provide proactive services

Enhanced Features

Benefit from communities, live tracking and reporting expertise

Active Analysis

Monitor trends and improve the customer experience

Real-Time Support

Provide reliable support to users as needed

OSF Digital partners with IoT companies that create revolutionary connected devices, and transform traditional electronics into IoT connected devices. OSF Digital’ breakthrough IoT integrations have helped these companies prevent problems, launch cloud-based applications and provide real-time support to customers.

Success Stories

Request a complimentary 1-HOUR CONSULTATION to discuss your specific application or technology integration requirements

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