
OSF Digital Announces the Certification of Jira Connector for Sage Intacct

June 25 | 2020

OSF’s Connector for Service Hours Billing Automation is Available on the Sage Intacct Marketplace

Québec City, Canada – June 25, 2020 OSF Digital announced today the certification of our Jira to Sage Intacct Connector, a product designed to automate billing service hours by integrating project management software from Jira with accounting software from Sage Intacct. The product is available on the Sage Intacct Marketplace, under the Time & Expense category.

Our Jira Connector eliminates the need to manually enter time and work logs in each system. This integration provides a fast and reliable method to generate Sage Intacct timesheets using an automatic process to import Jira worklogs into Sage Intacct, enabling professional services businesses to save time and eliminate errors by using both platforms with ease and efficiency. As a result, users are able to capture detailed work logs and activities related to various sub-tasks, while automatically summarizing time in Sage Intacct that aligns with a finance team’s reporting and invoicing requirements.

“We understand the importance of having simplified and optimized organizational workflows and business processes in a company,” said Marius Ropota, Digital Cloud Open Stack – Operations Director at OSF Digital. “As a longstanding partner of Sage Intacct, we developed Jira Connector to help professional services teams leverage Sages Intacct’s technology, as well as reduce the manual work required to track billable hours, enabling project resources to focus on their primary functions.”

“Tracking work in multiple systems is inefficient but necessary depending on the level of detail that must be captured,” commented Nik Puni, Senior Director of Systems Integrations for Sage Intacct. “Using OSF’s Jira Connector, project resources are able to work efficiently from one project management system while providing detailed work logs in Jira, and automatically summarizing information in Sage Intacct for Project Accounting and Billing.”

About OSF Digital

OSF Digital, winner of the 2019 Bolty Award for Best Digital Experience in the Retail and Consumer Goods category, the 2019 Partner Innovation Award in the Customer 360 category, and the 2018 Salesforce Lightning Bolt Trailblazer Award for Retail, is a leading global commerce solutions and digital transformation company that provides technology, consulting, implementation and online shop management services to emerging and premier brands, and merchants. OSF's agile approach allows it to scale global growth more quickly and enable companies to enhance the customer experience. With over 250 ongoing projects and eight years of worldwide deployments, OSF delivers connected commerce solutions across channels, devices and locales. HSBC and BDC are OSF Digital's financial partners, and Salesforce Ventures and Delta-v Capital are investors. For more information about OSF Digital, visit: OSF Digital

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