Embrace the Cloud for Business Success

Let Us Define the Best Solutions for You

Whether you’re looking to improve your business processes by migrating to a custom cloud solution or integrate cloud and SaaS solutions in your existing technology stack, we’re ready to help you leverage best-in-class cloud technology. We’re experts at translating business needs into powerful, feature-rich solutions for global clients from a wide variety of industries. We can help you gain a competitive edge with the right cloud investment.


Our Cloud Solutions

Cloud Application

We create custom and flexible, cloud-based solutions that can be easily adapted to support your changing business needs. Whether your company is a small business or a large enterprise, count on our team of experienced engineers to design solutions that align with your objectives.


We provide application testing to improve the performance, functionality, and security of your applications, without impairing your ability to bring your solutions to market. Our complete software testing services follow well-defined QA practices and help to identify functionality issues, ensuring your systems meet your needs.

ERP Integration

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system helps you increase communication between departments, integrate fragmented business operations, and improve your decision-making abilities by sharing data across your organization. We’ll help you create or customize an ERP system that improves your company’s effectiveness providing you with a competitive advantage.

Enterprise Application

Do you have two or more applications that are failing to exchange data? Our EAI experts help you modernize your applications to better support your business-critical operations. We can help synchronize your apps across multiple platforms, providing a central access point to your data. We combine best-practice methodologies with our high-end EAI consulting services to help you successfully integrate all of your business-critical applications.

Enterprise HR
Cloud Solutions

Our enterprise human resources (HR) cloud solutions help you streamline your HR processes and gain the most from your technology investments. We offer state-of-the-art, business-to-employee solutions that allow you to automate HR-related processes and simplify the management of your application environment.

Cloud & SaaS
Integration Services

We seamlessly integrate cloud and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications into your existing operations, providing affordable, agile alternatives to maintaining your technology solutions. We ensure you can rapidly deploy applications onto all major cloud platforms, and remain connected to your existing business-critical software. Our comprehensive strategies cover all aspects of integration, from application analysis to launch.


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* Pflichtfeld
  • Mambu
  • u-connect


Success Story

Developing a Cloud-based Banking Application with Mambu

Discover how OSF collaborated with Mambu to design, develop, and deploy a Software-as-a-Service solution to help MFIs provide their services faster and cheaper. This SaaS solution allows MFIs to better manage their businesses by providing accounting capabilities, historical reporting, and automated journals.

Success Story

A Unified Customer View for Burton Europe

Discover how OSF streamlined business processes associated with customer tracking for Burton Europe. OSF implemented and integrated a custom Salesforce solution into Burton’s existing business environment, including its online store.